how to write a text about a company

“About us” how to write a text about a company so that it solves a problem and is interesting to read

Many copywriters who work on filling company websites treat such a part of them as an “About Us” or “About the Company” section as an afterthought, which can be done by the principle “It’ll do! As a result, various companies’ websites have copy-written sections with the lame-duck phrases “we implement innovative”, “we use innovative”, “we are always one step ahead” and other verbal rubbish instead of sensible text.

In fact, the About Us section is very important, because it is the presentation of the company to potential clients who may have to choose among several companies and choose one for cooperation. Because what has no place in the “About Us” section is abstract verbiage. But what must be, it is necessary to be specific. That is, instead of “presented in the market for N years” – “the company was founded in so-and-so year”, instead of “one of the fastest growing” – “at the end of this year increased sales by so-and-so”, instead of “respected in the professional community” – a list of certificates, diplomas, awards and other achievements.

The section should also include a part called “detachment from competitors”. It should contain information, of course, about competitive advantages of the company: range of products, technologies used, exclusive offers, business partners, cooperation with whom competitors can not boast …

Correct writing about the company

Another important part of the “About Us” section is that it should help build trust in the company. The most common option is to post pictures of the office, employees, production facilities, customer feedback (preferably on letterhead). Also in this case information about personal achievements of employees will be very useful: awards, degrees, victories in professional competitions and contests (for example, hairdressers, bartenders, sommeliers)…

If the specifics of the company allow it, the “About Us” section can include case studies, that is, stories about solving real customer problems. For example, law firms have many such cases. And companies with other profiles may also find something if they wish.

In addition, the section “About Us” will look very good any useful information combined with a commercial proposal. In particular, a company that manufactures and installs windows, can place useful tips on the operation of window systems, and at the same time tell what systems people can order in this company.

The section of the site with information about the company – one of the most important on the resource. Therefore, it should never be approached from a formal point of view.